How to hide hair transplant scars

Sushanta Das
3 min readMay 14, 2021


Surgery without a scar is something like taking a bath without getting wet, no matter how advanced the surgery is a scar is inevitable. A lot of hair clinics in Concord claim scarless surgery, which is quite impossible, getting a scar after a hair transplant procedure is part of the body’s natural healing process.

So, since we cannot prevent scars we can try to heal them faster or try out techniques to hide them.

There are a few things that require attention if you are concerned about your scars after the hair transplant surgery and you want to minimize them.

  1. If you opt for a highly experienced and professional surgeon, the hair transplant scars can be thinner and much easier to hide.

As the number of scars you get is dependent upon the expertise of your surgeon. A hair transplant surgeon can make the regrowth look a lot more natural by strategically placing the hair grafts and this understanding comes with years of experience. An experienced surgeon also has the capability to keep the scar from the extraction site a lot thinner. Hence, we need to pick the surgeon with utter caution as a lot of things are dependent upon the surgeon’s expertise.

2. Technology is another important factor that can bring a difference in the type of scar you get post-surgery. Hence, opting for the most advanced hair replacement surgery in California will be the best choice for your hair transplant surgery to minimize the scars.

Here are the two most advanced and popular hair transplant techniques used today: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

In the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) a small strip of skin is cut from the scalp containing the hair follicles for transplantation. This small strip, also regarded as the graft is transplanted into an area of less hair growth.

The procedure leaves a thin, elongated scar that fades away with time. If you follow proper hair transplant aftercare and pinch massage the scar area the scar area tightens and fades away in weeks’ time. Hiding a FUT scar is easier with long hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is another advanced technique, where actual hair follicles are extracted and transplanted into sparse or bald areas of the scalp. It’s a lot less invasive but requires precision in work, this is where the surgeon’s expertise plays the role.

The scars resulted from FUE vary greatly depending upon the number of follicles extracted. However, the scar is mostly circular in shape and is easily hideable. In FUE the scar area can be lined with the extracted hair follicle to cover the scar. However, the results might not be promising enough as the FUE procedure can fail if there is no blood supply to the area.

Scars can also heal through the body’s natural healing process. It is observed that scars usually heal faster in young skin.

However, this is a specialized technique to heal scars, Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP).

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

SMP is a scar healing procedure where small, very fine dots are strategically placed over the scar to make it less visible.

As I have already mentioned hair transplant scars are inevitable, you can either opt for advanced techniques like FUT or FUE to reduce the scar mark or even try SMP to erase the scars.

But, you can also avoid the total surgical method, in that way, there will be no scars to worry about. You can opt for non-surgical hair replacement.

Just Hair provides the best non-surgical hair replacement in California. You can visit them and get the best solution for your hair fall without surgery.

